Fancy a Retreat?
We’ve started hosting bring-your-own-frame Retreats. They’re GREAT! Despite the gorgeous photo, our venue is not a beach hut. But you can visit them on a walk to the beach. The Grange and Links Hotel in Sandilands near Sutton-on-Sea in Lincolnshire will be putting us up. The food is delicious, the rooms are comfortable and best of all we get to use the ballroom to set up our frames! This means that we have plenty of room for everyone.
Bringing your own frame and sewing machine means that you’ll have plenty of TIME to get your sewing machine and frame working well together and focus on your own projects. Our experienced tutors are on hand to help, teach new line designs and get you moving smoothly. You’ll also get to talk shop with other people using frames for machine quilting. We all learn from each other.
Sunday 19th February 2017 – Tuesday 21st February 2017 spaces available
Open to all levels. This is a retreat that is particularly suited to those just starting out with their frames. Bring your own frame and sewing machine. Having the frame means that you will get the maximum quilting time. Bringing your own machine will give us the chance to get it tensioned properly and help you to work through any difficulties. We suggest bringing a practice piece and a small project.We will be on hand to guide and advise. We’ll cover machine tensioning, auditioning threads, and practising lots of quilting designs to get you moving fluently and confidently with your frame. Please come and bring a friend! Husbands are welcome too. There is plenty to keep them happy while you’re busy quilting. No frame? No worries. We will have some spare frames and sewing machines for people to use. so if you haven’t a frame yet, the Retreat will be a good chance to give it a proper try.
The price includes all accommodation, meals, tuition, and materials.
£ 345 if you are sharing a room
£ 375 if you would like your own room
£295 – special price for husbands who want to come along – includes meals, excludes quilting!
£150 – Monday session only – includes meals, tuition and materials (overnight stay not included included in this price).
Sunday 2nd April 2017 – Wednesday 5th April 2017 spaces available
This is a longer Retreat for more experienced quilters. We will have 2 and a half days of tuition (a whole extra day compared to our regular retreats!). Participants will bring your own frames and sewing machines. We’ll have lots of room and lovely Spring light. Bring practice pieces and small projects. Our tutors will be on hand to to help, advise and trouble shoot. We recommend this retreat for those who have already attended one retreat with us, but it is open for everyone! The food will be delicious, the rooms comfortable and the conversation rewarding. Please come and bring a friend! Husbands are welcome too. There is plenty to keep them happy while you’re busy quilting.
Prices for the APRIL RETREAT
The price includes all accommodation, meals, tuition, and materials.
£ 495 if you are sharing a room
£ 515 if you would like your own room
£345 – special price for husbands who want to come along – includes meals, excludes quilting!
£150 – One Day session only – includes meals, tuition and materials (overnight stay not included included in this price)
As you can see, we have lots of fun! Here’s a link to the retreat section of our website for more information. Any questions? Call Martha 01526 553366