
Browsing Tag:

JUKI sewing machines

Upcoming Events

Fancy a Retreat?

We’ve started hosting bring-your-own-frame Retreats. They’re GREAT! Despite the gorgeous photo, our venue is not a beach hut. But you can visit them on a walk to the beach.   The Grange and Links Hotel in Sandilands near Sutton-on-Sea in Lincolnshire will be putting us up. The food  ...

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Studio Stories

Jill Rose Brennan

Today we’d like to feature Jill Rose Brennan. Jill’s a quilter who makes all sorts “arty ones, beddy ones, large and small and commissions too. Here’s how we met. I’ll let Jill tell you in her own words. “For quite a while I had been looking at the Machine  ...

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Upcoming Events

Join us for a Retreat.

It’s just one week until the show – we are so excited! The buzz of the Festival of Quilts event is something we look forward to year after year and we love sharing that with our customers. If you’re keen on a frame but can’t make it to the Festival this year, we want to  ...

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